Tuesday, June 24, 2008


So back in Janruary My Boss gave Kristy(another coworker) and I a contest. If I wrote $12,500 worth of new business from Janruary 11th to June 30th I would get an iPod touch.Well see I really don't listen to music much, becasue I don't have the time with Drake. So I asked him if he would by some chance get me a camera instead becasue you know mine got stolen back in March sometime. He said YES!! So I know its not a huge nice camera but is perfect for me.

Its a Kodak Easyshare 12MP w/5x optical zoom High Def. still & video! I have missed so many great pictures of Drake because I have not had a camera and I am really excited about this. I have a great Boss and he really takes care of me. I told him he really owed me 2 cameras because I wrote over $24,000 worth of new business but he is not going for that. Believe me I tried!! LOL

So check back soon and I will hopefully have new pics for you all with my new camera!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

new updates..

As you can tell we have been doing alot of swimming this summer and
boy does drake like the Water- I guess thats why they call him duck!!!

And he is such a camera hound!
saying cheese to Rosjuane!

Other than that we have been hanging out at the house playing outside alot. Drake is learning to talk alot now and really learning to tell me how it's going to be! Boys!!!! I can luckily say that we have been illness free since April 19th!!! YAY!!!! Knock on Wood that this does not come back to bite me in the butt! The tubes have done wonders for his little ears. I am very proud and thankful that the little man is staying well. I hope that you all have not given up on me I know that I have been a terrible blogger lately but not having a camera really puts a damper on things. I am just not a writer of daily town and world gossip. I am going to try to do better though. I hope to get a new camera over the next month but I have had no extra money here lately with the EXTREME gas prices lately. Things just never seem to go my way.