Tuesday, August 26, 2008

On our way to the spring river!

Okay so that everyone knows I was really not excited to be going on this trip to the Spring river because Drake was running fever most of last week and on Friday before we left he had 101.7 that was lovely I had to leave my baby not feeling good and go almost 5 hours away from him. Not what I really wanted to do. I got car sick on the way up so we stopped and got some dramamine and that fixed the problem. Thank god that worked, I am not a good rider if I am in the very back of a ride. So we finally got there and man was I ever tired. We were getting up at 7am the next morning to float and I didn't go to sleep until like 11 or so that night.

The Indian Lady at the front desk was making questionable cupcakes when we arrived and Heather had her Bring some to me beings it was my birthday and all ....... ck um out the were not all that great let me tell you. Then we ventured out to the pool to chill out before bed time and see this truck pulls up with this hugh RACK on the front of it and we all fell out laughing... as you can tell its not all that hugh. Why you would do this to your vehicle! Our crew got a good laugh out of it though!

??Cupcakes or pancakes???
Hugh Rack that even still had the fur on it!!

Holly & I on the way up...

Gary thinking... (I guess)
Justin was cheesin!

The Driver Jesse... get your eyes on the road!!
Heather the other navigator!

All in all it was a good time and I felt kinda bad the next morning!!

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