Monday, December 22, 2008


I figure that I better do this beings that I ignored the last one I was tagged in...
Link the person who tagged you:
List 7 Random or Weird facts about you
Tag 7 others
1. I have this thing with my sons toys being in there place every night before we go to bed.
2. I hate that I love SWEETS...... cause I eat and eat and eat.
3. I might look like I weight 130 or less but that is so not true, its like 148 and proud of it!!!
4. I hate people that start talking shit about someone or something they know nothing about and then try to say they didn't say it.
5. I love to listen to people tell me that they wear a pant size smaller than me and they so weigh like 20 pounds more than me, that makes me giggle on the inside knowing it is so not true.
( Is that Mean?)
6. I love to Drink Beer and sit around a camp fire with just the guys cause they don't bitch near as much as girls and they are funny too!
7. I truly hate when your best Friend won't talk to you and you have no clue what you have done. Maybe they are just having PMS or they really hate me either way just
tell me I will leave you alone!
Or better yet just ignore me that seems to work too cause I will eventually get the hint!
I am going to tag: nobody cause that is how I ROLL....


Rosjuane said...

Was #7 meant for my husband?

Haley said...

nope...Just have had friends do this to me and I can't stand it. You know when you stand by them thru anything and give them the world and then its like BAM... They are no where to be found and you have not heard from them in months until they want something.