Friday, April 24, 2009


So here lately I have been following the Blog of My Charming Kids and I have fell in love with little Stellan. He is such a little trooper!! After all that he has been through over the past couple of weeks he still keeps a smile on his little face.

I hope that you all will go the McMama's Blog and read Stellan's story. I know McMama is one strong woman because I don't know who long I could have been away from home without seeing my other children and husband and still be able to keep it together for Stellan. Please pray that Stellan gets to go home soon and be with his brothers and sister.

Being a new mom I have always been a sucker for sick kids and hate to see a child hurting. This just rips my heart to pieces. While watching Grey's last night or should I say while crying through Grey's last night I thought to myself I am so happy that Drake is a healthy little boy and that I am not having to go through these kinds of trials in my life. I am a strong woman but I just don't think that I am that strong. My heart really goes out to the Mom's that say in the hospitals for months after there baby is born because they are preemie or something else is wrong with their baby, and then all of the doctors appt. after they get out of the hospital. YIKES!!!

I love my little man and pray everyday that we live a happy healthy life, with the exceptions of the allergies that we already have!

So to all of the Mom's out there with a little one in the hospital Drake and I are preying for you!!

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