Friday, February 27, 2009

Just some new pics............

This is the newest member of the Beatty Family. Its name is Pish!!
I bet you can't guess who named the fish!

Drake is in love with his Pish.... This is what the Pish Says...LOL... to funny!!!We tired to give him a Mohawk, can you tell it didn't work!
Really not sure how we turned out with this pic, but it makes me laugh!
Me and the MAN.......
Drake Hiding in Jesse's cage so she can't get him!
Wheeler Ridin
Straight Chillin, watching WoW WoW Wubbzy!!
Hope you all enjoy! Will post pics from the hospital and some of Jesse later!
TaTa For now!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Lord help me I have started a new workout and its kicking me in the A$$!!!!

This is called P90X and let me tell you that if you want to hurt all over BUY IT!!! I think I started hurting while watching it the first time...LOL!!

No really this is a great workout set it is extremely hard but kinda fun at the same time, it even motivates you to get up and exercise. I do believe that it will work if I can stick to it. Wish me luck and I might even need a little encouragement to help me along.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Okay so I have been MIA for a while. Sunday night at around 6 we had to take one very sick little boy to the HOSPITAL!! UGH..... We thought that we were just going because we had the stomach virus and need a shot to make him stop vomiting. We get there they order a chest x-ray-draw blood-give him a shot and This so called doctor tells me that he has Pneumonia and that is why he is vomiting. We get admitted to the hospital they give my poor very sick little man an IV and start him on a large list of meds. Drake usually will take meds by mouth very good well we had to fight him just to get him to take Motrin. We had a very long long long night of crying, vomiting and trying to get mommy to take the IV out of his hand. So Come to find out the very next morning my family doctor comes into our room and listens to Drake's chest and looks at his x-rays and tell me he is sorry but Drake does not have pneumonia its only acute bronchitis. LOVELY!! Then tells us he also has an ear infection along with a bacterial infection. We had to stay for the IV because Drake would not eat or drink anything until Wednesday and he still really didn't want to eat then. So after 3 days in the hospital we finally got home. I never want to go back there ever again and neither does Drake!

With one long weekend behind us Drake is back at school and after calling to check on him I am not sure that he will make it all day because they say he is very whinny and wants to be held. I really miss my little man after getting to spend almost every waking moment with him for the past 9 days and never leaving his side, I think that I would much rather be at home in the bed with him. I now have a great Sinus infection and I think my head might explode at anytime now..... hopefully it will be goon soon.

On the the weigh in -
I thought that I would let you all know that we are holding steady at 138 and have not lost anymore. Well I might have before I went into the hospital but that hospital food in McGehee is really GOOD!!! So I will give it a while and I might start back on the diet but not really sure if I want to.

Tata for now!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Not even going to try it........

So for the past 2 weeks I have had these really terrible headaches and couldn't get them to stop so I figured that it might be my diet so I stopped dieting last week. Well needless to say they never stopped. So we know that its not my lack of eating that is making my head hurt so terribly bad that I want to cut my head off. I have almost come to the conclusion that it is my EYES, YIKES!!! I hate the eye doctor almost as much as I hate the dentist! I know that sounds crazy but I hate glasses and I object to wearing them. In the past I have been told to wear glasses and got them and couldn't wear them because they made me sick to my stomach. I am going to give it until Wednesday and if the headaches are not gone I am going to the doctor 1st then I will go to the eye doctor ONLY if necessary!

So to get to the point I am not going to weigh in because I don't want to know what I have undone. LOL!!

Oh and I got a new DOG she is a 5 month old Boykin Spaniel, she is so sweet and so cute. Below is a picture of what she looks like until I can get her to sit still long enough to get her picture.

(she really look exactly like this dog)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Birthday Parties.....

Party at Granny and Papa's House!
Party at Our house!
Sorry I have been kinda lazy and really didn't feel like uploading each photo so I made these little collages.
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Monday, February 2, 2009


UGH out of all the weeks I have done my very best this past week and I only lost one stinkin pound!!!! I eat less than 1000 most days and crap if that didn't help. But it will be okay. I will get there one day!

Start weight: 148
last week : 138
This Week: 137
total loss: 11 pds.